Thursday, Mar 13 - 1:06 PM

                   The "Kali Morgan"

                The "Outdoorsmen"
The Outdoorsmen - The Boat

Fishing Rates: 

1-6 People $895 + tax - Outdoorsmen

1-6 People $1,095 + tax - Kali Morgan

*See "Charter Details" for discount rates*

All Charter are a 6 hours duration!

Approximate Charter Times
Morning Trip -  3:30am Departure
Afternoon Trip - 10:00am Departure

Boat Location: 
1651 Memorial Dr.
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235



Sturgeon Bay Outdoors

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Home > Seasons

                                                 -Fishing and Hunting Season Dates-

  • May - October: Salmon and Trout Fishing in Lake Michigan!
  • October - December: Sea and Diver Duck hunting in layout boats on Lake Michigan and the Bay of Green Bay!
  • January - March: Ice Fishing for Whitefish, Perch, and Walleyes in the Bay of Green Bay!
  • April - May: Trophy Walleye Fishing in the Bay of Green Bay out of a 621 Ranger!


  Summer Salmon!                    Fall Sea Ducks!                  Winter Ice Fishing!            Spring Trophy Walleys!             




One of our favorite groups made this video of their salmon/trout fishing with us, check it out!